Filming the Culvert: An Update on Meade Creek

I live next to Meade Creek where the stream flows into a culvert underneath Chesapeake Street. It seems as if I hear the water when the windows are open, though the sound is faint on the average day, too faint to register with any definition, but comforting nonetheless. Before the City improved the drainage, I used to enjoy watching the creek rise in a storm. It would churn and escape its banks and threaten to reach the house, though it never did.

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Watershed Filmmaking and Mapping

I live next to Meade Creek where the stream flows into a culvert underneath Chesapeake Street. It seems as if I hear the water when the windows are open, though the sound is faint on the average day, too faint to register with any definition, but comforting nonetheless. Before the City improved the drainage, I used to enjoy watching the creek rise in a storm. It would churn and escape its banks and threaten to reach the house, though it never did.

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A Preservation Success Story Driven by Local Neighbors

Tadpole Land & Trail Conservancy purchased land bordering Ballenger Creek in Palmyra to form Ballenger Creek Nature Preserve, in July 2021. The 73 acres of land is covered in cascading streams, forest and recovering forest and is diverse with wildflowers, ferns, and cliffs of Mountain Laurel.


Stream Water, E. coli, and the Naked Eye

I live next to Meade Creek where the stream flows into a culvert underneath Chesapeake Street. It seems as if I hear the water when the windows are open, though the sound is faint on the average day, too faint to register with any definition, but comforting nonetheless. Before the City improved the drainage, I used to enjoy watching the creek rise in a storm. It would churn and escape its banks and threaten to reach the house, though it never did.

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Watershed News: Minks and Otters

There was a mink sighting at Trevillian’s Creek at the Lewis and Clark Exploratory Center at 11 AM on August 17, 2022! Environmental educator Brooke Asher, a retired Albemarle County science teacher, was helping with a stream survey near the Route 20 culvert when she saw the creature dart into the tall grasses.

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